• To achieve balance between fluency and detail in the uploaded video, usually H.264 1080p NTSC/PAL is a good standard for video uploading
  • The bit-rate shouldn't be too high at the same time quality needs to be assured
    • A lot of tools are also available
  • This tutorial will be using Adobe Media Encoder
  • All the parameters applies to other softwares
  • Especially need to do this if you are using new iphone's HEVC, as most browser can't decode it yet

A sample using "YouTube 1080p Full HD" (to use this video player instead of system default, please refer to: Using VideoJS plugin to avoid autoplay of video if you have multiple videos.

Printing Process Compressed.mp4

Using Adobe Media Encoder

  1. Export project from Adobe Premiere/ After Effects/ Adobe Media encoder
    1. Adobe media encoder lets you open Premiere and After Effects timelines directly, so they can be treated as normal videos
  2. Open the option panel of codecs
    1. Should look like this, find the video from the browser and drag and drop to the queue area (drag and drop from other window also supported)
    2. Choose H.264
    3. For preset choose Match Source Adaptive High Bitrate
      1. Several others recommended to choose and experiment if the uploaded video can't be played smoothly, or quality too bad:

        Match Source-Adaptive Medium BitrateMatch Source-Adaptive Low BitrateMobile Device 1080P HDYouTube 1080p Full HD

    4. For advanced settings(if you want to tweak, click on the yellow preset you've just chosen)
      1. A more detailed control will popup (most senarios, you won't need to do this)
      2. VBR 2 Pass will have better quality than 1 Pass but slower to encode
      3. Set min/max/target bitrate. (Target Bitrate shouldn't exceed 12Mbps or else it will be very difficult for you to stream from outside of POLYU)
      4. Target bitrate will affect your filesize eg( 30 secs, if you use 8Mbps will be 30 X 8 / 8 bits/Byte = 30Mega Bytes for video part of the file)
  3. And of course start queue: 
  4. If you have any questions, please leave comment here.

Using Youtube