Click and drag mouse horizontally on the following image to change the view

original photos - from

cropped photos -

template for cropping (using Inkscape) - cropping_template.svg

*.jpg - covered from PNG to JPG via Photos ("resize image" function to 4MP)

.draggable {
	width: 1200px;


<div id="dummy"></div>

<div id="view360">

AJS.toInit( function()
	{	AJS.$.getScript( "/download/attachments/128142989/pdt360DegViewer.js")
		.done( function( script, textStatus ) {
    			console.log( textStatus );

				document.getElementById("dummy").style.display = "none";

				var path = '/download/attachments/133071628/';
				pdt360DegViewer('view360', 64, path, 'jpg', false, false, true, false, false, false, false); 
