
  • Soft filament feeding speed control , too fast will jam in the pushing gear (Need to watch it printing the whole process for now)
  • Temperature, 210~220 is OK, however much easier to jam in the head and burn.


VIDEO0020.mp4 (Not playable codec, so you'll need to download)

Following version still will print with problem. 




  1. where to download the codec? also, anyway to change it to a format which can be viewed from browser?

    Also, can you provide more details on the test you conducted? e.g. 3D model you have tried? The point for you to report through a blog is to allow others to repeat what you have done WITHOUT your presence!!

    1. Victor Cheung AUTHOR

      I drew it, I'll upload later, the gcode's filament speed has some problem still.

      1. where the download the video codec? why the video cannot be viewed?


        1. Victor Cheung AUTHOR

          Oh, I'll need to recode the video, will re-upload later